This guy visited our pet shop (ROSMIN PET & VET) on 26th August 2010, around 10.55am to 11.00am. He said he came to collect the money for servicing the laptop RM150.00 which is NOT TRUE at all! He was acting and pretending like he made a telephone call to us (the boss) and it was SO BAD that the cashier girl did not call us to confirm this and trusted the bad chinese guy and so we lost RM150.00 cash that morning for free! This guy left his cellphone number with name, 'WONG'. When my mom called this number, a malay guy answered it and said this is not the first time peoplesss called his number and looking for WONG or sometimes ONG. So guys, especially business people and everybody around Bukit Jelutong and Shah Alam, BEWARE of this guy. He is CHINESE, about 5'2, around late 30's, wearing black pouch and I could say that he might be someone as a contract worker, plumber or maybe some kind of electrician from the way he dressed. Here I attached only 1 picture of his, the rest had been sent to police for investigation. If you know this guy, please DO contact any nearest police station so he can be judged fairly. Only GOD knows best!