Monday, August 1, 2011

Barking Cats caught on Youtube

This video has achieved more than 4 million hits in just one week and has been the higlighted topic on the website.

After several studies fro the animal experts, they denied that the cat 'switches back' to its 'meowing' out of embarrassment. By just turning its head to another direction, it can 'switch' from barking to meowing.

Why was it barking? How did it do it? and why does it stop? Embarrased? Nicholas Dodman, a veterinary behaviorist and professor at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University said, " "While it isn't super normal, it's not unheard of for cats to bark," said Nicholas Dodman.

"The arrangement of the cat's larynx, trachea and diaphragm is similar enough to a dog's that if they operate the machinery in the right way, it will produce a noise that's like a bank."

Barks, Dodman explained, result from a sudden rush of air through the air passage, and can be produced by an overly excited cat. "It's kind of a forced meow."

The cat may have learned to make the barking noise from a dog co-pet, or a doggy neighbour - perhaps the very animal at which the cat is barking in the video.

"It could be that it's immitating or 'copy-catting' a sound that it hears often. it seems to sees a something out the window; whether it is barking in response to a dog, we don't know," Dodman told Life's Little Mysteries.

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